To reproduce: - Set the AutoSizeRows and PrintGrouping properties to true. - Add a group descriptor and then call the PrintPreview method of the grid. Workaround: - Use the following classes to create custom print style: public class MyGridPrintRenderer : TableViewDefinitionPrintRenderer { private RadGridView gridView; public MyGridPrintRenderer(RadGridView grid) : base(grid) { gridView = grid; } protected override int GetDataRowHeight(GridViewRowInfo row, TableViewRowLayoutBase rowLayout) { IVirtualizedElementProvider<GridViewRowInfo> rowElementProvider = this.gridView.TableElement.RowScroller.ElementProvider; GridRowElement visualRow = rowElementProvider.GetElement(row, null) as GridRowElement; if (visualRow is GridGroupHeaderRowElement) { return rowLayout.GetRowHeight(row); } return base.GetDataRowHeight(row, rowLayout); } } public class MyGridPrintSyle : GridPrintStyle { protected override BaseGridPrintRenderer InitializePrintRenderer(RadGridView grid) { if (this.PrintRenderer != null) { this.PrintRenderer.PrintCellPaint -= renderer_PrintCellPaint; this.PrintRenderer.PrintCellFormatting -= renderer_PrintCellFormatting; } MyGridPrintRenderer renderer = new MyGridPrintRenderer(grid); renderer.PrintCellFormatting += renderer_PrintCellFormatting; renderer.PrintCellPaint += renderer_PrintCellPaint; return renderer; } private void renderer_PrintCellPaint(object sender, PrintCellPaintEventArgs e) { this.OnPrintCellPaint(sender, e); } private void renderer_PrintCellFormatting(object sender, PrintCellFormattingEventArgs e) { this.OnPrintCellFormatting(sender, e); } }