To reproduce: -add RadGridView and use the following code: public static readonly DateTime MIN_DATE = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); public static readonly DateTime MAX_DATE = new DateTime(2079, 1, 1); public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); var colDate = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewDateTimeColumn(); colDate.DataType = typeof(System.DateTime); colDate.HeaderText = "Date"; colDate.Name = "colDate"; colDate.FormatString = "{0:d}"; colDate.Width = 85; radGridView1.Columns.Add(colDate); radGridView1.CellEditorInitialized += radGridView1_CellEditorInitialized; } private void radGridView1_CellEditorInitialized(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewCellEventArgs e) { var editor = this.radGridView1.ActiveEditor as RadDateTimeEditor; if (editor == null) { return; } editor.MinValue = MIN_DATE; editor.MaxValue = MAX_DATE; DateTime date = DateTime.Now; RadDateTimeEditorElement editorElement = (RadDateTimeEditorElement)editor.EditorElement; editorElement.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom; editorElement.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; editorElement.Value = date; e.Row.Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value = editorElement.Value; } As a result when the user tries to enter a valid year between MinValue and MaxValue it is not possible. Workaround: use CellValidating event: radGridView1.CellValidating += radGridView1_CellValidating; private void radGridView1_CellValidating(object sender, CellValidatingEventArgs e) { RadGridView grid = sender as RadGridView; if (grid.CurrentColumn is GridViewDateTimeColumn) { DateTime currentDate = (DateTime)e.Value; if (currentDate <= MAX_DATE && currentDate >= MIN_DATE) { e.Cancel = false; } else { e.Cancel = true; } } }