Last Updated: 16 Jan 2015 07:29 by ADMIN
Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Created on: 01 Aug 2013 07:48
Category: Dock
Type: Bug Report
FIX. RadDock - with more than one Tool Window (auto-hidden): when displaying a hidden window its caption is wrong for a fraction of time
Description: for example if we have two auto-hidden Tool windows (left and right), first click on the right one but don't pin it, then click on the left one (don't pin it also) and you will notice that for a fraction of time its caption displays the text of the previous window. Then you can click the right window again and you'll see the opposite effect. This tiny fraction of time raises to a significant period of time when tool windows are loaded with multiple controls. AutoHideWindowDisplaying event fires before ActiveWindowChanged event (AutoHideTabStrip.ActiveWindow is the other tool window during AutoHideWindowDisplaying). That is why for a fraction of time (during AutoHideWindowDisplaying event) you can see different caption text. To reproduce: - add RadDock - add two auto-hidden Tool windows (left and right) - first click the right one in order to display the hidden tool window -> for a fraction of time its caption is for the other tool window Workaround: private void radDock1_AutoHideWindowDisplaying(object sender, AutoHideWindowDisplayingEventArgs e) { AutoHideTabStrip autoHide = e.NewWindow.DockTabStrip as AutoHideTabStrip; if (autoHide != null) { autoHide.ActiveWindow.Text = e.DockWindow.Text; } }

Another possibility to reduce the flicker is to stop the animations: 

radDock1.AutoHideAnimation = AutoHideAnimateMode.None;