Improve RadGridViewDragDropService extensibility to perform visual drop indication over RadTreeView.
Hi Joerg, this feature has not been planned yet and I cannot engage with any time frame for it. However, we managed to implement this feature using the grid's drag drop service. In the attachments you can find a project demonstrating how this can be achieved. I hope that this will work for you.
Has there been any progress / development recently? Dragging from a Grid onto a Tree happens in many places of our application(s) and it is quite hard to explain to users why there is no visual indication and help provided for the drop target...
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I just wanted to clarify that visual indication in RadTreeView is available out of the box when dragging within/between tree controls. It is not available when dragging from grid to tree control, hence this request.
Just adding my / our 2cents here: not having a visual drop indication over nodes in a RadTreeView IS quite confusing to our (prototype) users and will probably disrupt productivity / workflows in production usage due to lack of confidence where the dragged data is actually ending up.