Last Updated: 28 Sep 2015 12:30 by ADMIN
Julian Benkov
Created on: 14 Feb 2013 03:08
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report
FIX. RadGridView - invalid filter results in object-relational mode
“Missing data after apply Object-Relational filtering operation” as in the attached, also capture case simulation in video file to illustrate how the case happen to support your investigation. Scenario case: ·         Expand Parent Data 2 à will see child data level (child data 2.1.1, child data 2.1.2, child data 2.1.3) ·         Filter child data that contains value = input “2.1.4” (mismatch case filter)·         Current Result : Not show all 3 child data and cannot get it back to display again   In this case, normally how the component handle this “not found filtering result” case, is it normal to display result like this? If so please help recommend how we can get 3 child data back for doing any further process.