1. Create a new project with RadGridView. 2. Bind it and set grouping. 3. Add a summary row and set ShowParentGroupSummaries property to true. 4. Handle the ViewCellFormatting event and set all summary rows to be IsVisible = false when the processed cell is GridSummaryCellElement: void radGridView1_ViewCellFormatting(object sender, CellFormattingEventArgs e) { if (e.CellElement is GridSummaryCellElement) { e.Row.IsVisible = false; } } CORRECT WAY TO HANDLE THIS CASE: Hide the summary rows in the groups you want after grouping/data binding. To hide the first bottom summary row of the first group in a RadGridView use the following code: this.radGridView1.Groups[0].GroupRow.BottomSummaryRows[0].IsVisible = false;