To reproduce - create a form with a RadPropertyGrid. - set ToolbarVisible to true - add some properties, but not enough to cause the scrollbar to appear. - start and click on the sort button: the sort is changed, but the scroll bar became visible even if it is not needed. Workaround: public class MyPropGrid : RadPropertyGrid { protected override PropertyGridElement CreatePropertyGridElement() { return new MyPropGridElement(); } public override string ThemeClassName { get { return typeof(RadPropertyGrid).FullName; } set { } } } public class MyPropGridElement : PropertyGridElement { protected override PropertyGridSplitElement CreateSplitElement() { return new MyPropGridSplitElement(); } protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType { get { return typeof(PropertyGridElement); } } } public class MyPropGridSplitElement : PropertyGridSplitElement { protected override PropertyGridTableElement CreateTableElement() { return new MyPropGridTableElemnet(); } protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType { get { return typeof(PropertyGridSplitElement); } } } public class MyPropGridTableElemnet : PropertyGridTableElement { protected override void UpdateScrollers(UpdateActions updateAction) { this.Scroller.UpdateScrollRange(); } protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType { get { return typeof(PropertyGridTableElement); } } }