To reproduce: Add a RadPivotGrid and a few columns, select one column and show the PrintingDialog. Select "Print Selection Only", exception will occur. Workaround: Use the following print style - public class MyPrintStyle : PivotGridPrintStyle { private Func<Rectangle, SizeF> getScaleFactors; private Func<int, Rectangle, float, int> getStartColumn; private Func<int, Rectangle, float, int> getEndColumn; private Func<int, Rectangle, float, int> getStartRow; private Func<int, Rectangle, float, int> getEndRow; private List<AggregateDescriptionBase> aggregates; private List<int> columnWidths; private List<int> rowHeights; private Type baseType; private BindingFlags flags; public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); this.baseType = typeof(PivotGridPrintStyle); this.flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance; this.getScaleFactors = this.GetFuncFromParent<Rectangle, SizeF>("GetScaleFactors"); this.getStartColumn = this.GetFuncFromParent<int, Rectangle, float, int>("GetStartColumn"); this.getEndColumn = this.GetFuncFromParent<int, Rectangle, float, int>("GetEndColumn"); this.getStartRow = this.GetFuncFromParent<int, Rectangle, float, int>("GetStartRow"); this.getEndRow = this.GetFuncFromParent<int, Rectangle, float, int>("GetEndRow"); this.aggregates = GetField<List<AggregateDescriptionBase>>("aggregates"); this.columnWidths = GetField<List<int>>("columnWidths"); this.rowHeights = GetField<List<int>>("rowHeights"); } private T GetField<T>(string name) { return (T)this.baseType.GetField(name, flags).GetValue(this); } private Func<T, TResult> GetFuncFromParent<T, TResult>(string method) { MethodInfo getScaleFactor = baseType.GetMethod(method, flags); var func = (Func<T, TResult>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<T, TResult>), this, getScaleFactor); return func; } private Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult> GetFuncFromParent<T1, T2, T3, TResult>(string method) { MethodInfo getScaleFactor = baseType.GetMethod(method, flags); var func = (Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult>), this, getScaleFactor); return func; } public override void DrawPage(Rectangle drawArea, Graphics graphics, int pageNumber) { int x = drawArea.X; int y = drawArea.Y; SizeF scale = this.getScaleFactors(drawArea); int startColumn = this.getStartColumn(pageNumber, drawArea, scale.Width); int endColumn = this.getEndColumn(startColumn, drawArea, scale.Width); int startRow = this.getStartRow(pageNumber, drawArea, scale.Height); int endRow = this.getEndRow(startRow, drawArea, scale.Height); int aggregateIndex = 0; for (int i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++) { x = drawArea.X; int maxHeight = 0; for (int j = startColumn; j <= endColumn; j++) { if (j == 0 && i == 0 && aggregateIndex < this.aggregates.Count) { while (aggregateIndex < this.aggregates.Count) { if (j >= this.columnWidths.Count || i >= this.rowHeights.Count) { break; } Rectangle aggregateElementRect = new Rectangle(x, y, this.columnWidths[j], this.rowHeights[i]); RadPrintElement aggregatePrintElement = this.GetAggregateDescriptorCell(aggregateIndex++); aggregatePrintElement.ScaleTransform = scale; RectangleF aggregateTransformedRect = aggregatePrintElement.GetTransformedBounds(aggregateElementRect); this.PrintElement(aggregatePrintElement, drawArea, aggregateElementRect, graphics); x += (int)Math.Floor(aggregateTransformedRect.Width); maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, (int)Math.Floor(aggregateTransformedRect.Height)); if (aggregateIndex < this.aggregates.Count) { j++; } } continue; } Rectangle elementRect = new Rectangle(x, y, this.columnWidths[j], this.rowHeights[i]); RadPrintElement printElement = this.GetPrintElementForCell(i, j); printElement.ScaleTransform = scale; RectangleF transformedRect = printElement.GetTransformedBounds(elementRect); this.PrintElement(printElement, drawArea, elementRect, graphics); x += (int)Math.Floor(transformedRect.Width); maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, (int)Math.Floor(transformedRect.Height)); } y += maxHeight; } } }