Last Updated: 06 Feb 2015 11:43 by ADMIN
Created on: 23 Dec 2011 10:42
Category: Dock
Type: Bug Report
FIX. RadDock - with two nested docks, setting the DocumentTabsAlignment of the other dock automatically sets the same on the inner one.
FIX. RadDock - with two nested docks, setting the DocumentTabsAlignment of the other dock automatically sets the same on the inner one and this cannot be changed. Once you change it and reload the design time, its setting is being reset.

To reproduce 
- add RadDock with couple DocumenWindows in it
- add second RadDock with coupld DocumentWindows in it, in one of the windows of the first dock
- set Raddock2 DoumentTabsAlignment to top
- set DocumentTabStrip2 TabStripAlignment also to top or default
- drag a radbutton into documentwindow3 and double click it, to get a click event
- go into code view and remove the created event manually
- change back to form view. the alignment in DocumentTabStrip2 has been automatically changed to bottom