Last Updated: 10 Jun 2014 10:35 by Ruth Goldberg
Telerik Admin
Created on: 19 Feb 2010 14:09
Category: Editors
Type: Feature Request
ADD Date Parsing custom input
RadDateTimePicker should be able to parse custom predefined strings coverting them to a valid datetime value. The feature should be similar to the feature of the Telerik Extentions for ASP.NET MVC: 
Ruth Goldberg
Posted on: 26 Mar 2014 15:13
I have a custom date time picker which allows dates to be entered in a variety of ways, like they can in Access. The user can enter 01/01/2014 or 01012014 or, if year is first, in the format of 2014/01/01 or 20140101. I would like the date time picker to be able to do that at least. I would also like the datetime column of the grid to be able to do that too. I have not been able to successfully create a datetimeeditor to do the same.
Jesse Dyck
Posted on: 18 Sep 2013 07:32
How about just adding an option to make the manual date entry of the Telerik control work just like the standard .Net control?  We should not have to do some fancy coding to make this happen.
Jesse Dyck
Posted on: 15 Dec 2012 18:04
I couldn't see anything at the URL listed above so I don't know what the feature should be "similar" to. However, I was thinking along the line of how you enter a time into reminders in Outlook. You can enter almost anything and it will come back with its