To reproduce: - Add a blank mask to a form and set its Mask type to Standard. - Set its mask to "###-##-##"; - Set its PromptChar to a single space. - Now set the caret before the '-' and type a two digits (the first digit is overridden by the second because the caret is not moved properly). Workaround: Subscribe to the following KeyDown event: void box1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { int caretPos = this.box1.MaskedEditBoxElement.TextBoxItem.SelectionStart; if ((e.KeyCode != Keys.Left && e.KeyCode != Keys.Right) && (e.KeyCode != Keys.Up && e.KeyCode != Keys.Down)) { if (caretPos < box1.Text.Length && box1.Text[caretPos] == '-') { this.box1.MaskedEditBoxElement.TextBoxItem.SelectionStart++; } } }