To reproduce: 1. Drop a RadGridView and RadButton on Rad Form. 2. Set gris Anchor property to Top-Right-Bottom-Left and the buttons Anchor property to Right-Bottom. 3. Make sure that the RadForm's size is exactly as your desktop resolution(e.g. my 'RadForm' size and desktop resolution are 1920x1080). 4. Change its 'AutoScaleMode' property's value to 'Font'. 5. Build project. 6. Copy the resulted executable on your desktop and name it 'RadControlsWinFormsApp_Font' 7. Select again the RadForm. 8. Change its 'AutoScaleMode' property's value to 'DPI' 9. Build project. 10. Copy the resulted executable on your desktop and name it 'RadControlsWinFormsApp_DPI' 11. Select again the RadForm 12. Change its 'AutoScaleMode' property's value to 'Inherit' 13. Build project 14. Copy the resulted executable on your desktop and name it 'RadControlsWinFormsApp_Inherit' 15. Change your desktop resolution to a lower one (e.g. I've change it from 1920x1080 to 1600x900) 16. 'Auto-Hide' the Window's taskbar 17. Run the executables and see the results: 17.1 In case of 'RadControlsWinFormsApp_Font' application, you should see that the 'RadGridView' control gets truncated + the lower right 'RadButton' is not visible anymore 17.2 In case of 'RadControlsWinFormsApp_DPI' application, you should see that the 'RadGridView' control gets truncated + the lower right 'RadButton' is not visible anymore 17.3 In case of 'RadControlsWinFormsApp_Inherit' application, you should see the controls on the form as you initially placed them. Also this issue appears on 'Windows XP SP3 x86' and also on 'Windows 7 SP1 x64' . Workaround: - Set AutoScaleMode property to None or Inherit.