The display member for empty string value in GridViewComboBoxColumn is not displayed. The following code reproduces the issue: GridViewComboBoxColumn cboInsRslCd = new GridViewComboBoxColumn(); cboInsRslCd.DataType = typeof(string); List<ItemComboBox> liste = new List<ItemComboBox>(); liste.Add(new ItemComboBox("", "[None]")); liste.Add(new ItemComboBox("A", "A")); liste.Add(new ItemComboBox("B", "B")); liste.Add(new ItemComboBox("C", "C")); cboInsRslCd.DataSource = liste; cboInsRslCd.ValueMember = "CleItem"; cboInsRslCd.DisplayMember = "ValeurItem"; cboInsRslCd.NullValue = "[None]"; this.radGridView1.Columns.Add(cboInsRslCd); WORKAROUND: subscribe to the CellEndEdit event and change the stored value in the event handler: private void RadGridView1_CellEndEdit(object sender, GridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.Value == null) { e.Row.Cells[e.Column.Name].Value = ""; } }