Last Updated: 05 Jun 2014 07:07 by Jesse Dyck
Created on: 02 Sep 2011 09:57
Category: Editors
Type: Bug Report
Fix: RadMaskedEditBox - Value property setter is not work correctly when Mask is Percentage
If assign a value using a percent mask the value isn't displayed as it should - assign a value of 0.08 I expect the control to display  "8.00 %", instead it displays "0.08 %"
1 comment
Jesse Dyck
Posted on: 28 Sep 2011 02:46
Changing it now would render all implementations of the current version useless. We have a lot of these lying around and are quite happy the way they are. We just have to remember dividing by 100 if we do math with the values (which we never have to do).