1. In Day View, add an appointment for Thursday Jan 30 3. Click the Print Preview button 4. Click on the Print Settings dialog 5. Now change the Print style to Weekly. Note that the DateRange now changes to Jan 27 - Feb 2. 6. Now change the Print style to Monthly. Note that the DateRange now changes to Jan 26 - Feb 2, whereas it should be Jan 26 to Feb 2, since the default week count is 4
Hi Martin, the WeeklyPrintStyle is an alternative of the well known Weekly Agenda Style in Microsoft Outlook. There, the layout of the page is exactly as you see it in WeeklyPrintStyle - six equal size boxes, 5 for the week days and 1 for the weekend and the week always starts from Monday. If we provide a way to change the start day of the week and you select anything buh monday, there will be no way to divide the boxes to equal pieces, or you will have to have the weekend box somewhere in the middle, which does no look OK. To cover your case, we can introduce a new weekly print style, an alternative of the Outlook's Weekly Calendar Style, which shows 7 vertical columns and there you can select the start day easily. If you consider this useful, please add a new request to this portal and we will consider it in future.
I think it would be great if you can add the ability to specify the StartDayOfWeek. I think it is terribly confusing for the end-user that what they see on the screen in the case of Week view, is not what they see in the Print Preview dialog. I.e. you always start the week on a Monday, so if I pass you a date range that is Sun-Sat, you will include the Monday before the Sunday. Thus what the end-user sees in Print Preview is very different from what they see in the week view.