Last Updated: 29 May 2020 07:38 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R1.SP2
Created on: 7 Jan 2020 14:15
Category: DateRangePicker
Type: Bug Report
Control keeps selection highlighted after clearing value

Dear Kendo Support Team,

we are using Kendo UI in our ASP.NET MVC application. We want to remove the values from DateRangePicker. The dates are removed from inputs but the calendar keeps the previous value highlighted when we move back and forth between the months.

Example code:

Best regards,

1 comment
Alex Hajigeorgieva
Posted on: 8 Jan 2020 13:06

Hi, Peter,

Thank you very much for the provided runnable Dojo that allowed us to observe the faulty behaviour you describe.

I converted this thread to a Public feedback item and you may track its process here:

Until the bug is fixed, you may use this workaround:

function myFunction() {
    daterangepicker.range({ start:null, end: null});
      daterangepicker.dateView.calendar._range.start = null;
      daterangepicker.dateView.calendar._range.end = null;

As a token of appreciation for helping us improve, I have also updated your Telerik points.

Kind Regards,
Alex Hajigeorgieva
Progress Telerik

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