Last Updated: 10 Sep 2024 10:51 by ADMIN
Release 2021.R1
Created by: Inception
Comments: 17
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request
I would like to see the ability to dynamically add and remove items for the TileLayout component, ideally using drag & drop. My use case would be to have a TileLayout dashboard area to which I would like to drag & drop new items from a side toolbar. Additionally items should be removable from the dashboard area.
Last Updated: 21 May 2024 08:00 by Akesh Gupta
Created by: Akesh Gupta
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

1. It's difficult to place tiles to the right of the last tile in a row. i.e. On the Add/Remove demo, remove the Total Deals tile, then try to add the New Customers tile to the end of the line where the Total Deals tile was, it will not let you place the tile until you drag it over the Expense this Period tile.

2. tiles still constantly jump around when placing elements under many circumstances. i.e. on the events demo, move the cherry blossoms tile directly to the left of shells (without moving the tile up)

3. if there are two open spaces, you cannot put a tile in the second space until the first one is filled. i.e. on the Overview demo, move the Visitors tile straight up to the top, then try to place the Currently tile under the Conversion Rate tile, it will not allow you to place it, the only option is next to the Most Visited Pages tile.

Last Updated: 25 Apr 2024 20:59 by Jikku
Created by: Jikku
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request a way to make it easier to change the state of the tiles(Adding and Removing) using outside components such as the Kendo UI CheckBoxGroup.  


Last Updated: 09 Jun 2022 09:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Lee
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

The tileLayout feature could use some help to be useful. It should have the following additional features:

  1. Be responsive so that when a user views it on a smaller screen it only has 1 or 2 columns but when viewed on a larger screen it could have 3 or 4 columns. If the user changes the window size on their desktop or rotates their tablet or mobile device this should change automatically based on media queries.
  2. There should be a way to apply a class and data attributes to the entire tile so that, for example, important tiles could have a different border.
  3. Certain tiles should have a minimum or maximum column span. For example, a tile that contains a grid might be required to be 100% width but a tile that contains a single number could be 33.3% width.
  4. There should be a way to destroy and recreate the grid so that if a user needs to refresh the data that built it originally this can easily happen.
Last Updated: 09 May 2022 08:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Diana
Comments: 2
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request


I reallt think a refresh feature available for each container item would be great.

What I exactly need is a way to refresh the content of a card, without setting all the cards again by SetOption. You can ask me more about how I would like it to be (in case you need more feedback).

Thank you!

Diana Vijulie

Last Updated: 26 Apr 2022 08:29 by Colin
Allow the addition of custom attributes to the containers of the TileLayout items, for example:
    containers: [
            colSpan: 1,
            rowSpan: 1,
            header: {
                text: "Item one"
            bodyTemplate: kendo.template($("#first").html()),
                class: "myClass"
            colSpan: 1,
            rowSpan: 1,
            header: {
                text: "Item two"
            bodyTemplate: kendo.template($("#second").html())
    columns: 4
Last Updated: 16 Feb 2022 14:39 by ADMIN
Created by: Anna
Comments: 4
Category: TileLayout
Type: Bug Report


  1. Run sample at
  2. Try to heighten item A or C

Actual result: only item B can be heightened

Expected result: all items can be heightened

Last Updated: 09 Feb 2022 11:49 by ADMIN


  1. run dojo at

Expected result

  1. First header reads "Text header 1"
  2. Second header reads "Template header"

Actual result

  1. Both Headers read "Text header 1"


In the "_initContainers" function, when looping over containers, the variable "headerContent" still holds the content of the previous header.

Last Updated: 08 Feb 2022 14:58 by Thomas
Created by: Thomas
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request the functionality to set each row of the TileLayout to a particular height.  There is the rowsHeight property but this seems to apply to all rows on the TileLayout.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 20 Jan 2022 12:30 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3.SP1

Bug report

When a draggable item that is part of a tile of the Kendo UI TileLayout is dragged, JavaScript errors are thrown. This is due to the fact that the Draggable widget, internally used, calls the drag event of the widget instances inside the TileLayout.

Reproduction of the problem

1. Edit the live demo in a Dojo:

2. Make any of the grids, resizable or groupable.

3. Resize or group a column.

4. JavaScript errors are thrown.


* **Kendo UI version:** 2020.2.617
* **jQuery version:** 1.124
* **Browser:** [all] 

Last Updated: 16 Nov 2021 13:22 by ADMIN
Created by: EMEA
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request a way to bind a Kendo UI TileLayout to a dataSource.  For example, binding to the containers would be a nice feature especially if I could bind from a database.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 12 Nov 2021 09:59 by ADMIN

Bug report

setOptions throws an error when toggling reorderable on and off

Reproduction of the problem

Current behavior
Error is thrown in the console when the following is called:

tileLayout.setOptions({ reorderable: false});

tileLayout.setOptions({ reorderable: true });

Expected/desired behavior
No error shall be thrown.

Kendo UI version: all
jQuery version: all
Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 18 Oct 2021 21:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Afandi
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request adding separators for the Kendo UI TileLayout as part of the built-in API. 

Thank you!

Last Updated: 27 May 2021 10:55 by ADMIN


  1. Run sample at
  2. Try to heighten any item

Actual result: no item can be heightened

Expected result: all items can be heightened

Last Updated: 08 Mar 2021 08:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Kendo UI
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

The TileLayout is currently not responsive and the column count isn't relative to the screen size;

Currently the columns shrink to fit the screen, whereas a desired behavior is to change the layout to accommodate for only one column on mobile device screens. 

A temporary solution shown in this dojo -, however this workaround is not fully compatible and might break the reordering and resizing of items.

Last Updated: 27 Feb 2021 22:23 by Marc
Created by: Jack
Comments: 3
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request
TileLayout should use a responsive grid to resize properly on mobile devices
Last Updated: 30 Oct 2020 10:27 by ADMIN
Created by: George
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

We're looking into adopting your TileLayout control for a dashboard containing charts and tables. However, it doesn't seem like it supports remote content. ie all the content of each container has to be within a kendoTemplate on the same page. This seems like a huge limitation.

Please provide a way of loading the container content via a remote call, such as in your other controls.

Kendo Window example:

                        width: "615px",
                        title: "Rams's Ten Principles of Good Design",
                        content: "../content/web/window/ajax/ajaxContent.html",
                        close: onClose

Last Updated: 01 Sep 2020 20:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Velusamy
Comments: 0
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request the Kendo UI TileLayout to have a Select event added to its API.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 12 Jun 2020 11:30 by ADMIN

This can be observed at : when you reorder the items, their "order" property changes, but their order in the HTML source stays the same. This makes the visual layout differ from the logical one.

The Sortable component, however, behaves correctly by reordering items in the HTML source.

See also:

Last Updated: 02 Jun 2020 09:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Anna
Comments: 1
Category: TileLayout
Type: Bug Report


  1. run dojo at
  2. resize the first item
  3. check the console to e.container

Expected result:

As per , e.container should be a jQuery object

Actual result:

e.container is undefined


1 2