When the min option is set to the Splitter pane and then the Splitter is resized through the size method, the min is not taken into account.
The second pane has a width of less than 150px, although the configured min is '150px'.
The configured width should be taken into account.
The Splitter's methods do not work as expected, resulting in broken layout.
Append, insertAfter, insertBefore - the layout is broken
Max, min methods - they have no effect.
Regression introduced with 2024.4.1112
Test the API examples for the above mentioned methods
Append, insertAfter, insertBefore break the Splitter's layout. Max, min methods don't do anything.
Expose the ability to set the content of a pane in a stable state. And not shrink or expand when the splitter is adjusted. The content should overlay each other as demonstrated in the video.
Hi Team,
I would like to request a way for the Kendo UI Splitter to be resize automatically if it is within a hidden container instead of having to call resize.
Thank you!
Some kind of animation for the splitters when you collapse/expand them? Even nowadays there are people not used to the web environment, and if the collapsible pane just hides instantly (or almost) they will first think 'Where did my *whatever* went!?' so having some kind of easing they would see where did it go.
Currently, when the size method is used, the pane parameter could be set using string or jQuery element. I would like to have the support of setting the pane using integers. For example, setting the size of the first pane could be as follows:
var size = splitter.size(1, "40%");
Useful for automatically splitting the major dimension of a screen/view, for example. Especially handy for supporting tablet orientation change. Or, add an orientation() or setConfig() method, to support horizontal/vertical toggle via script.
An option should be added to size the splitter to ensure inner content is displayed rather than having scrollbars inside the panes. A key reason for this is when loading/displaying dynamic data via ajax, you don't know what the height might be to display it...so once you have loaded, you need to set splitter height to height of pane containing the content. ATM I achieve this via the following approach: http://www.backalleycoder.com/2013/03/18/cross-browser-event-based-element-resize-detection/ But would be nice to have integrated into splitter itself..
I have a html widget which have some logic that should happen when the widget is re-sized. This widget could be placed in a splitter pane or could be place alone. It doesn't care what it's container is so I need the splitter to trigger window resize and so the widget will be notified. At least I want to have an value in the spleiter resize event which tells me if the splitter resize was triggered by window resize or user dragging it.
User should have option to display a splitter inside both normal and hierarchical grids so that user can display few columns to the right side of splitter.This helps when there are columns that are dynamically generated
It would be useful if there were enable/disable methods for the splitter (so that when the splitter is disabled window resize won't trigger splitter resize).
Adding animation on splitter would be better, currently there is no animation on splitter. animation like slide,fade in, fadeout would be fine.
We recently upgrade Kendo UI from version v2019.1.220 to 2019.2.619 and our user base is freaking out because they can't select the text on web pages that use the splitter.
Completely remove a panel from the splitter, e.g. : $('#container').data('kendoSplitter').removePanel('#somePanel');
Allow sliding panels much like you do for the AJAX splitter control. This feature would be very nice if it was working with tablets.
Live resize option on a splitter so the content scales as I move the bar, not just show me the ghost handle Depending on the content this obviously could be laggy...but let me worry about where I use it :D
Offer the possibility to add a panel Completely add a panel from the splitter, e.g. : $('#container').data('kendoSplitter').addPanel('#somePanel');
See Kendo UI v2019.1.220 Distributed Source Code module kendo.splitter.js _resize() method (Lines 285-240)
1) The splitter _resize method iuses jQuery width() and height() methods to set pane sizes.
2) These methods get/set the clientHeight and clientWidth of the pane element rather than the offsetWidth and offsetHeight.
3) If any pane has a border or padding, the last pane will extend beyond the limits of the splitter element.
4) Recommend using offsetWidth and offsetHeight to get/set all pane sizes.