Would like to request that the ability to set a 'CenterTemplate' be added to the Radial and Linear Gauge charts. We show a percentage based label using jquery by appending to the chart wrap a label to show 'x of y (z%)'. What we've seen is that when you go to export the chart, this label doesn't follow with it.
When using other charting types, for example the Arc Gauge or Circular Gauge, they do have a property called 'CenterTemplate' which allows us to do labels like above and have it export correctly.
Can the property be added to other Charts so that we can customize a label to show information such as percentage based text?
Charts support keyboard navigation. Currently, the focus indicator is rendered as a thick black border around the different chart items. Is there any way to customize it? We usually use dashed red borders throughout our application to indicate focused elements and it would be great to stay consistent.
I found this article which leverages the highlight and saw that the series.highlight.toggle setting allows modifying the highlight's visual element, but options are very limited and do not allow sufficient customization.
We have some multiselect controls which can have a large number of values, and selected values. This causes an issue where the height becomes unreasonably large compared to other controls.
For a typical example of the issue, see here: Multiselect height issue | Kendo UI Dojo
As can also be seen in the provided example, setting max-height with an overflow isn't a viable solution as then it becomes very difficult to see what has been selected - the vertical scroll is much too quick (at least it is using my mouse which has discrete scroll values). Also, there are both dropdown buttons and scroll buttons which is ugly and confusing for end users.
Our suggestion to resolve this would be to add an option for a "single line mode" so that functionality is not broken for other clients. When using this mode, all the items will be kept in a line. In the event of an overflow, then you could either a) cut off the items with an ellipsis "..." or b) enable horizontal scrolling (ideally without a visible scrollbar).
See this example in the DevExpress controls for an example of horizontal scrolling in "Single line mode".
JavaScript/jQuery Tag Box - Overview | jQuery/JS Example
You can see that when all the items are selected, the height is kept consistent. It is still reasonably easy to read as you can easily scroll along.
Something similar to this solution would be ideal for us.
Hi Team,
I would like to request a way to create a Kendo UI Diagram shape with a SVG XML Document.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request a way to add Kendo UI Controls to a Kendo UI Diagram similar to the WPF controls to RadDiagramShapes. For example, embedding a circular gauge in a diagram.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request the functionality that if a user checks the parent, the children are all checked. But, if the children are deselected, the parent should still be checked.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request a way to turn off or toggle double tap editing for mobile Kendo UI Grids with incell editing introduced in R3 2023.
Thank you!
When using a grid against a large table with server side filtering (ToDataSourceResult) ToDataSourceResult builds a SQL query that converts the search string to UPPER() and therefore prevents the database from using its indexes. As SQL comparison is case insensitive that LOWER() is unnecessary. As we have may grids where this is an issue it would be time consuming to build out manual filters for each grid instead of using ToDataSourceResult This was discussed here and there was no solution at the time: https://www.telerik.com/forums/grid-filtering-on-text-using-lower-in-sql I would liek to request an option to tell ToDataSourceResult() not to use LOWER() in the sql? See ticket #1339310
Hi Team,
I would like to request a way to add layers to the Kendo UI Map dynamically.
Thank you!
Requesting a modification to any component that uses k-animation-container.
Some components have this capability:
popup: { appendTo: $("SOME ID") }
This gives us the ability to modify CSS for a single/particular popup. Please add this ability to all relevant components.
Or any other method to modify the styling of a particular dropdown. In some cases, there's an ID that's added but is removed for some reason when adding a certain configuration.
Hi Team,
I would like to request to add Excel exporting for the Grid to include Selected rows, including checkbox selection.
Thank you!
Kendo UI supports PDF export. It would be great if you could add glyph mirroring support to it as well (https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/blob/master/src/core/bidi.js). PDF export of RTL languages such as Arabic and Persian need this trick to work properly.
We're interested in a date input wheel (see attached images) as it is a feature that is especially for useful for mobile users. Telerik's technical support directed us here since the date widget doesn't offer this feature currently.
Kind regards
Add support for getting/setting range in Calendar when the selectable option is set to 'range'.
var that = $("#calendar").data('kendoCalendar')
that.rangeSelectable.range(new Date(25, 0, 5), new Date(25, 0, 20));
Hi Team,
I would like to request a way to display the placeholder when the user has focused on the Input with no value made.
Thank you!
For example when we type @ it should autocomplete a certain list of data in the editor
Hi Team,
I would like to request to add Wildcards to the Search panel for the Kendo UI FileManager.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request emf image support for the Kendo UI Spreadsheet. If that is not possible, I would like to request a way to handle if the image is in a non-supported image type - such as a console error.
Thank you!
The horizontal space between all OrgChart nodes on the same level is one and the same and it is equal to the horizontal space needed to show the child nodes of the parent with most child nodes. It is represented by the red squares on the image below. This results in excessive empty horizontal space between nodes with no child nodes or no visible child nodes.
This may be observed on the following Dojo runner. Currently the OrgChart has empty space between the first level nodes, and also there is empty space after the last node:
Suggested behavior:
There is no empty horizontal space between nodes on the same level - highlighted in yellow on the image above. In the above scenario, there should be no empty space between the first level's second and third node and no space after the third node, which may be observed, when the first node has no expanded child node: