Line Chart Crosshair doesn't display on Tablets.
Display's fine on Desktop & also on Mobile, but tested on iPad and Android tablets the Crosshair line does not display.
kendo.2020.1.114 demonstrates the issue:
When a grid detail row is expanded, and pushUpdate() is called on it, the row collapses.
What is expected is for the grid row to remain in its prior state (expanded or collapsed.)
Until this is fixed, is there a work-around, other than manually re-expanding the detail row(s)? This is not a feasible work-around in which multiple nested grid rows are collapses and re-expanded, as this causes the UI to jump unexpectedly for the user.
I have tested this on your example for local data grid. It can be applicable also for remote grid, treelist, etc.
Currently there seems to be no way to open the options of dropdown commands like "Font Family" or "Font Size".
The typical hotkeys of the according Kendo UI widgets (ALT + Arrow down) are not working and we have not found any other.
This can be reproduced in its online demo:*1jjk3dq*_gcl_au*NjE0NTE0MTQ0LjE3MjYwNTc4MjU.*_ga*MTk3MTcyODQ3My4xNjkwMjkyNTYw*_ga_9JSNBCSF54*MTcyOTY3MzExMS44My4xLjE3Mjk2NzQwMzAuMzEuMC4w
Bug report
Modern DateTimePicker does not show 24h format in popup with format: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm". The format, however, is correctly shown in the input
Reproduction of the problem
Expected/desired behavior
Popup should show also 24h format
jQuery: 3.4.1
Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1114
Browser: [all]
i've tried to apply autoFitColumn method for treelist accordingly to the documentation, , and seems it assumes only "simple" columns structure, i.e. no nested headers.
If the DropDownTree is configured without checkboxes (single selection), the X button shouldn't be present.
The clear button appears
The clear button shouldn't be present.
When the selectable.dragToSelect option is set to false, you can't assign a dragstart event on the Grid's rows.
Regression introduced with v2024.2.514
The dragstart from the dataBound event is not triggering
The dragstart event should be triggering
Bug report
Regression with 2023.1.314
PanelBar dataItem() method does not return the data item
Reproduction of the problem
1. Open next Dojo:
2. Select an item from the Panelbar and expect the console
Expected/desired behavior
panelBar.dataItem(".k-item:first"); shall return the data item
Kendo UI version: 2023.1.314 or newer
jQuery version: x.y
Browser: [Chrome XX]
I am trying to upgrade my Kendo UI JQuery installation from 2022 to 2024 and it is not going smoothly. One issue I'm having is that now my grids with locked columns do not span the whole width of their container. In the old version, the k-grid-table would expand to fill the width of the k-grid-content but now it seems that the columns retain their width, rather than growing like they used to. So now there is a large white space between the last column and the vertical scrollbar. I did notice that if I remove the inline style in the developer tools that is applied to the k-grid-table in the unlocked section, it fixes it. It should continue to expand all columns evenly to fill the available width like it did in versions past or this should be an option that the user can set. To leave that space without any user choice is a bug.
Old Version:
New Version:
Note, I reported this in a forum post. I know I can write code as a workaround but that is cumbersome, especially when I have many grids and multiple developers working on the project.
Dear support team,
we are facing an issue when trying to use "setOptions" to update a Chart.
It works fine when using a normal bar chart but seems to be broken when using stacked bars:
Are we doing something wrong or is this a bug?
In the latest version of Kendo UI, various input controls like the NumericTextBox or the ColorPicker now consist of an input field and a button control (used for increasing/decreasing the value or opening the dropdown).
The border-radius for those widgets can be controlled by setting the "rounded" option. At the same time, when using SASS themes, a button's default border-radius might be set using the $kendo-button-border-radius variable. The buttons inside e.g. a NumericTextBox do not override the theme's border-radius which leads to an outcome like this:
Widgets that use Buttons internally (and therefore offer no way of overriding the button's border-radius by setting its "rounded" option manually) should override the default styles.
Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the behavior in a DOJO, because I cannot transpile SASS themes there.
add delay parameter in miliseconds for the kendo.ui.progress so you don't see your container blinking if your ajax calls are fast.
There is an option to freeze the left most column of the Kendo Grid by setting the lockable property. But this is limited to the Left Hand Side columns only and there are no ways suggested to freeze the Right Most columns.
In the latest FireFox (126.0) flip and pageTurn effects does not work properly
The effect does not work and the text is reversed when the flip effect is used. screencast -
The effects should be applied and tetx should not be reversed.
The children of a node (if the children are all leaf nodes) vertically stack when parent is expanded. Can you add a setting that forces horizontal sibling orientation for leaf nodes.