I was recommended to submit a feature request for this in this feature request. I also commented on a similar forum question.
Dynamically adding/removing tiles via the setOptions method works, however in my case I'm using the containers/tiles to display other widgets (like charts and data grids) in a dashboard. Re-initializing the TileLayout via setOptions forces me to recreate my data widgets, some of which are loading fairly large datasets.
I've been able to work around this using the internal source code for the kendoUI TileLayout, which I dislike doing and am always just one update away from my solution breaking. So far it works - I can add/remove tiles without destroying and re-initializing. I did run into some trouble with resizing and reordering, but I think I've gotten around that.
It seems a common usage for the TileLayout is to display dashboards/remote data. I do think implementing a solution to add/remove tiles without re-initializing would be beneficial for many developers using this widget.
Thank you,
* At the time of this writing, the only kosher way to dynamically add/remove tiles to a kendoUI TileLayout is
* to use the `setOptions` method and pushing/slicing the `containers` array. However, doing this destroys the
* TileLayout and re-initializes it. We would have to re-initialize all the data widgets and submit requests to
* the server all over again. So... I lifted this from the KendoUI TileLayout source code and modified it to
* suit our needs.
* It seems to work, but it just one update away from breaking. I guess I like living on the edge.
* @deprecated
* @param options {Object} the kendo.ui.TileLayout `containers` item configuration
* @param idx {Number} the index of the tile to add
* @param kendoTileLayout {kendo.ui.TileLayout} the kendo tile layout instance
const addContainer = (options, idx, kendoTileLayout) => {
const body = $(`<div></div>`).addClass('k-tilelayout-item-body k-card-body');
const headerSettings = options.header;
const id = kendo.guid();
const container = $(`<div></div>`)
.addClass('k-tilelayout-item k-card')
id: id,
role: 'listitem',
'aria-keyshortcuts': 'Enter',
if (headerSettings && (headerSettings.template || headerSettings.text)) {
const header = $('<div></div>').addClass('k-tilelayout-item-header k-card-header');
const headerContent = headerSettings.text ? `<div class="k-card-title">${headerSettings.text}</div>` : null;
if (kendoTileLayout.options.reorderable) {
header.append(headerContent || kendo.template(headerSettings.template)({}));
kendoTileLayout._addContainer(container, options, idx, id);
* @deprecated
* This also is using KendoUI internal source code. If/when the folks at Telerik decide to implement a different
* solution for dynamically adding/removing tiles, that should be used instead and this should be removed.
* @param widgetId {Number} the id of the widget to remove
* @param kendoTileLayout {kendo.ui.TileLayout} the kendo tile layout instance
const removeContainer = (widgetId, kendoTileLayout) => {
const widgetRegex = new RegExp(`${widgetId}`);
const matchedContainer = kendoTileLayout.options.containers.find(container => container.bodyTemplate.match(widgetRegex));
const containerGuid = matchedContainer.id;
const containerItem = kendoTileLayout.itemsMap[containerGuid];
const containerItemIdx = kendoTileLayout.items.indexOf(containerItem);
kendoTileLayout.options.containers.splice(containerItemIdx, 1);
delete kendoTileLayout.itemsMap[containerGuid];
kendoTileLayout.items.splice(containerItemIdx, 1);
// I've got a bad feeling about this.
kendoTileLayout.element.off('mousemove'); // after removing a container, the resize handles weren't working.
kendoTileLayout.resizeHandle = null;
When selecting the Month View of the Gantt, unexpected blank space appears and the cell headers are not properly aligned.
To reproduce the problem, open this demo:
And Click Edit in Kendo UI Dojo:
Zoom out the browser so the Gantt has some larger Width and you will notice the blank space + misaligned headers:
The same issue can be observed in the Getting article: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/gantt/get-started
The Kendo UI ListView widget supports setting the selected items via the select method. Up to version 2022.2.802, calling select() triggered a change event. This is no longer the case.
You can see the different behaviors in these two DOJOS: 2022.2.802 vs 2023.1.117 (the item gets selected after a second to make sure the dataSource has finished loading).
Add a hidden input to store the current value in it at all times, and a visible display input that has the month/day/year or current value displayed in it; it solved all of the issues and is currently implemented on numerous other Kendo form input controls.
This will make the DateInput compatible with JQuery Unobtrusive Validation.