When typing in the search input a value that does not match any item of the Filemanager's content view, while a subfolder is selected, the expand arrow disappears.
The expand arrow disappears.
The arrow should not disappear and the search to work correctly.
The popupCollision option of the Menu cannot be set in MVVM
The popupCollision cannot be set
You should be able to set the option in MVVM scenario
I'm using lastest version
demo: https://dojo.telerik.com/eZOPEVeL
In offical demo i found a problem, i don't know that is a issue or any thing.
When i use DropDownList Virtualization, i filter "LILA-Supermercado" then selected a value 10780, then fire change event (that true)
Then, I open and close dropdownlist, does not choose any thing, just open and close, dropdownlist fire change event again (that not true)
this happen with any value which not loading before scroll.
some one help me
### Bug report
The MultiColumnComboBox is initialized without a specified value. When the user focuses on the widget and leaves it without selecting or entering an option, the "cascade" event is fired.
### Reproduction of the problem
1) Create a MultiColumnComboBox and initialize it without a value;
2) Subscribe to the "cascade" event after the initialization of the widget;
3) Focus the input;
4) Leave it;
5) The "cascade" event is triggered on "blur".
A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/EViKaXaZ
### Expected/desired behavior
The "cascade" event should fire when changing the widget's value via API or user interaction.
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version: 2021.3.914
* **jQuery version: 1.12.4
* **Browser: [all]
There might be an issue with the DateRangePicker - when dates are removed manually from inputs (e.g., select, then delete) and something like month/day/year is displayed, incorrect dates are returned when I use API.
var range = daterangepicker.range()
The issue can be reproduced in the DateRangePicker demo page. Steps to reproduce:
Is it a bug or I do something wrong? I am using 2024.1.3016. Is it fixed in the latest version? If not - any timeframe when it could be fixed?
As of now I am using workaround - if an input value contains a letter, the then I assume date = null. Otherwise, I keep the value from range object. Is there a better way to work around the issue?
Thank you.
Aleksey Gasnikov
After clearing the Kendo UI TextBox with the clear button, the cleared value will still remain as the TextBox's value.
The value will be the cleared value.
The value after clearing should be empty.
Bug report
copySelectionToClipboard() throws an error when the Grid has hidden column/s
Also if false is passed to the method - grid.copySelectionToClipboard(false); - not all GUID columns are copied to the clipboard
Reproduction of the problem
Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/OpiBoDaH
Select a row/rows
Click on the Select and copy button
Expected/desired behavior
Error should not be present and copy to clipboard shall copy correct data
Kendo UI version: [all]
Browser: [all]
Reproducable in the following Dojo:
Open the daterangepicker and make a selection, for example 10th of December to 15th of December(10.12 - 15.12).
Open the daterangepicker and make another selection 12th of December to 17th of December(12.12 - 17.12).
Only the 17th is selected instead of the entire 12-17 range.
### Bug report
### Reproduction of the problem
_(bug report only)_
When start and depth are configured on a DateRangePicker, users are unable to select а range.
Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/oWUPosiP
### Expected/desired behavior
The expected is users to be able to select range as it is currently in DatePicker.
Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/oKIyeLEJ
Reproducible with inline and classic Editor.
Dojo example.
Undo does not work the first time Ctrl + Z keys are pressed. It works, if you press them a second time.
If the keydown event handler is not attached, it works as expected.
Undo works on the first press of Ctrl + Z keys.
Icons are missing in the components when a custom script is generated with Gulp
npx gulp custom -c window,dropdownlist
The Window is missing the icons and the actions are not working. The DrpDownList works as expected, but the arrow icon is not visible
The components should work as expectedwhen custom scirpt is created
When the selectable is set to "multiple, row", the default editable mode is enabled and the user tries to edit a cell, the editable cell is not closing
The first time the cell is closed as expected. However, every second edited cell is not closing.
The edited cell should close.
Reproduction steps:
Try to expand a group in this dojo:
Appending the following script right after loading the kendo scripts:
kendo.ui.Grid.original_groupable = kendo.ui.Grid.prototype._groupable;
kendo.ui.Grid.prototype._groupable = function() {
let that = this;
if (!kendo.support.isRtl(that.element)) {
if (that._isLocked()) {
that.lockedTable.on("click.kendoGrid", ".k-grouping-row " + "a[class*='-i-caret-alt-right']", that._groupableClickHandler);
} else {
that.table.on("click.kendoGrid", ".k-grouping-row " + "a[class*='-i-caret-alt-right']", that._groupableClickHandler);
I have custom messages for my filter, these values replace the and/or values instead of just the visual after switching the and/or once.
Reproducer: https://dojo.telerik.com/AdOGEQey
When initially running you will see "en/of" (and/or), if you than press any of them the text below will insert the message value of the button rather than the underlaying value of "and/or".
When the Add new Record
button is clicked multiple times, the newly added row is not saved, when the 'Save' button is clicked.
The row freezes and is not closed. If after clicking the 'Save' button the user clicks again the 'Add new record' the row is saved.
The row should be saved and closed when the 'Save' button is clicked, even if the 'Add new record' is clicked multiple times.
When moving through objects with Kendo UI Tooltips fast, the tooltip does not hide.
Tooltips should disappear when navigating through new tooltips.
An error is thrown in the browser console when you navigate to the last Grid page when grouping is enabled.
Regression with 2022.1.301
An error is thrown on the browser console.
No errors should be thrown in the browser console
Bug report
Copy Paste to Search Panel with `allowPaste` set to `true` in the grid is not working
Regression since 2024.1.130
Reproduction of the problem
Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/EnUpigUf/2
Try pasting a value in the Search input
Current behavior
The expand arrow disappears.
Expected/desired behavior
User shall be able to paste values to the search panel
Kendo UI version: 2024.1.130 or newer
jQuery version: 3.4.1
Browser: [all]