Bug report
Drawing API Tooltip for categoryAxis Chart labels do not show with v.2024.4.1112
Reproduction of the problem
Expected/desired behavior
The Charts should be exported to the selected file format
The issue is a regression starting with 2024.4.1112
jQuery: 3.4.1
Kendo UI version: 2024.4.1112
Browser: [all]
Pie and Donut Chart can not be exported to PDF, Png or Jpg
The pie and donut charts are missing.
The Charts should be exported to the selected file format
Bug Report
The diagram.exportImage() throws an error with v.2024.4.1112
"Uncaught TypeError: diagram.exportImage(...).done is not a function"
Regression with 2024.4.1112.
Reproduction of the problem
Run the example from the following API: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/dataviz/ui/diagram/methods/exportimage
Current behavior
The export is not working.
Expected behavior
No error shall be present and image must be generated.
Kendo UI version: 2024.4.1112
jQuery version: x.y
Browser: [all]
Description: When 'shared' tooltip is enabled (tooltip: {shared: true}) keyboard navigation through chart triggers JavaScript error and tooltip on focus is not shown, neither shared nor regular tooltip. It works without issues when 'shared' is disabled, but when it is enabled errors are triggered.
Steps to reproduce:
Stack trace of the issue:
kendo.all.js:290271 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'format') at init.show (kendo.all.js:290271:1) at init._displayTooltip (kendo.all.js:302830:1) at init._focusFirstPoint (kendo.all.js:302653:1) at init._navigatePoints (kendo.all.js:302577:1) at init._keydown (kendo.all.js:302540:1) show @ kendo.all.js:290271 _displayTooltip @ kendo.all.js:302830 _focusFirstPoint @ kendo.all.js:302653 _navigatePoints @ kendo.all.js:302577 _keydown @ kendo.all.js:302540
Versions of KendoUI with the issue: 2024.2.514, 2024.3.806
Hi Team,
Currently, the Kendo UI Chart's legend labels and Drawing API offers font property, which includes style, size and family only, as described in CSS documentation. Needs underline and strikethrough, which are considered "decorations" on the font in CSS, but seems like since these attributes exist already in editor, the code is around there somewhere. Would like to see either font include support for those attributes or another "decorations" attribution (or maybe underline attribute and strikethrough attributes if that's easier for people to understand).
Thank you!
Chart Series provide a toggleVisibility() method that allows to hide some data points of the series (or all of them) from the user. However, setting the first series to invisible breaks the chart's keyboard navigation.
This DOJO demonstrates the behavior: For the sake of simplicity, the first of the two series is toggled invisible right after the chart is rendered, but this may happen at any other point in time. Click anywhere in the DOJO's output area. Press TAB to focus the chart. The following error is logged in the browser console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'options') at init.focusVisual (kendo.all.min.js:9:4230266) at init._focusElement (kendo.all.min.js:9:4410242) at init._focusFirstPoint (kendo.all.min.js:9:4409100) at init._focus (kendo.all.min.js:9:4407358)
Dear support team,
we are facing an issue when trying to use "setOptions" to update a Chart.
It works fine when using a normal bar chart but seems to be broken when using stacked bars:
Are we doing something wrong or is this a bug?
Charts support keyboard navigation. Currently, the focus indicator is rendered as a thick black border around the different chart items. Is there any way to customize it? We usually use dashed red borders throughout our application to indicate focused elements and it would be great to stay consistent.
I found this article which leverages the highlight and saw that the series.highlight.toggle setting allows modifying the highlight's visual element, but options are very limited and do not allow sufficient customization.
In the Kendo UI Chart Widget, if labels are too close to each other, they end up overlapping, making the labels unreadable (as visible in the attached screenshot), thus rendering the widget unusable.
It would be really useful to have implemented a feature similar to Smart Labels (included in the WPF version and also documented in the attached screenshot)
Hi, For example, if you look at this chart in 10 days zoom view, you will notice they skip the weekends, means, they are not drawing empty data points for weekends. It is normal requirements for candle charts in stock market. https://mbshighway.com/features/interactive-charts
The stack bar chart is not rendered as expected when stack.type is set
The Chart is not rendered correctly, the bars are misaligned.
The bars should be aligned.
In Excel, there is an option for Sparkline to set a marker for the highest point, lowest point, first point, last point, and negative point.
I know that it is possible to customize the appearance of the markers using the markers.visual. However, I would like to have the option as a built-in configuration to ensure better performance.
When the zIndex is set the the chart marker in the legend is misaligned.
The line and the marker in the legend are misaligned.
The line and the marker should be aligned even when the zindex is set.
In case you are using a chart with the following configuration:
series: [{
type: "radarLine",
missingValues: "gap",
data: [1, null, null, null, 5]
There is no line between the last and the first data point of the series.
But when the 2nd and 4th data points are set as well, this connection is added:
series: [{
type: "radarLine",
missingValues: "gap",
data: [1, 3, null, 3, 5]
Expected behaviour: As the chart displays a "circle", all data points next to each other should be connected in case they are having a value.
The same issue can be seen in this DOJO, where the fifth data point is not connected to the rest of the points. This only happens if "missingValues" is set to "gap".
Hi Team,
I would like to see a no-data-template be included for the Kendo UI Chart when there is no data.
Thank you!
Setting the visibility using the toggleVisibility method in the legendItemHover event leads to legendItemHover being triggered multiple times. Thus, the legendItemLeave method is never called.
If you try to move the cursor slightly the legendItemHover event is fired multiple times and the legendItemLeave event is never called.
The legendItemHover should be fired a single time when the mouse enters the legend and also the legendItemLeave should be fired even if the visibility of the legend is set through the toggleVisibility method.
function onLegendItemHover(e){
let chart = e.sender;
let seriesIndex = e.seriesIndex;
for(let i = 0; i < chart.options.series.length; i++){
if(i !== seriesIndex){
let series = chart.findSeriesByIndex(i);
if (series._options.visible) {
function onLegendItemLeave(e){
let chart = e.sender;
for(let i = 0; i < chart.options.series.length; i++){
let series = chart.findSeriesByIndex(i);
if (!series._options.visible) {
Dojo with workaround - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliKondova/EpOYadid
I need that the point will be in the start of chart (like justified property behavior) and the line style of "rangeArea" type property will be "step".
In this example the point in the start and the justified property works as expected.
but in the second example, when I added property: line: {style: "step"} to "rangeArea" type, the point start in the middle of labels, and justified property not working.
So I need that my chart will be like the second example, but the start point of the line will be like the first example.
Currently each of the labels for the:
Provide their own "font" property setting. However, it would be beneficial if there is a default configuration that can apply a font for each of the aforementioned Chart Label compartments.
Bug report
Chart with log valueAxis allows to deem zoom and throws an error: Uncaught Error: Non positive values cannot be used for a logarithmic axis
Reproduction of the problem
Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/OCuziYOr
Expected/desired behavior
The Chart shall not allow this deep zoom
Kendo UI version:[all]
Browser: [all ]