Last Updated: 08 Apr 2019 16:26 by ADMIN
Release R2 2019 (LIB 2019.1.415)
Created on: 16 Nov 2016 14:55
Category: MultiColumnCombo
Type: Feature Request
IMPROVE. RadMultiColumnComboBox - expose an API for using a custom RadGridView control in the popup form

1 comment
Posted on: 08 Apr 2019 16:26
A fix will be available in LIB Version 2019.1.415 scheduled for April 15th. Exposing an API for using a custom RadGridView control in the popup form.

When fix is released you will be able to use custom RadGridView as grid element of the MultiColumnComboBox as follows: 
using System;
using Telerik.WinControls;
using Telerik.WinControls.UI;
namespace MCCBCustomRadGridView
    public partial class RadFormCustomGrid : Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm
        public RadFormCustomGrid()
        private void RadFormCustomGrid_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    public class MyRadMultiColumnComboBox : RadMultiColumnComboBox
        public override string ThemeClassName
                return typeof(RadMultiColumnComboBox).FullName;
        protected override RadMultiColumnComboBoxElement CreateMultiColumnComboBoxElement()
            return new MyRadMultiColumnComboBoxElement();
    public class MyRadMultiColumnComboBoxElement : RadMultiColumnComboBoxElement
        protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType
                return typeof(RadMultiColumnComboBoxElement);
        protected override RadPopupControlBase CreatePopupForm()
            MultiColumnComboPopupForm popupForm = new MyMultiColumnComboPopupForm(this);
            popupForm.EditorControl.Focusable = false;
            popupForm.MinimumSize = this.DropDownMaxSize;
            popupForm.MaximumSize = this.DropDownMaxSize;
            popupForm.Height = this.DropDownHeight;
            popupForm.VerticalAlignmentCorrectionMode = AlignmentCorrectionMode.SnapToOuterEdges;
            popupForm.HorizontalAlignmentCorrectionMode = AlignmentCorrectionMode.Smooth;
            popupForm.RightToLeft = this.RightToLeft ? System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes : System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Inherit;
            return popupForm;
    public class MyMultiColumnComboPopupForm : MultiColumnComboPopupForm
        internal bool closed;
        public MyMultiColumnComboPopupForm(RadMultiColumnComboBoxElement element)
            : base(element)
        { }
        protected override GridViewHostItem CreateEditorElement()
            return new MyGridViewHostItem();
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when the popup is opened.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPopupOpened()
            closed = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when the popup is closed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">A RadPopupClosedEventArgs instance
        /// that contains information about what caused the popup to close.</param>
        protected override void OnPopupClosed(RadPopupClosedEventArgs args)
            closed = true;
    public class MyGridViewHostItem : GridViewHostItem
        public MyGridViewHostItem()
            : base(new MyRadGridView())
        { }
    public class MyRadGridView : RadGridView
        #region Ctor
        public MyRadGridView()
            this.GridBehavior = new MultiColumnComboGridBehavior();
        protected override void OnMouseDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            MyMultiColumnComboPopupForm form = this.Parent as MyMultiColumnComboPopupForm;
            if (form != null && form.closed)
        #region Methods
        protected override bool ProcessFocusRequested(RadElement element)
            return false;
        public override string ThemeClassName
                return "Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView";
                base.ThemeClassName = value;

You can also see the code inside the attached project.

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