Last Updated: 30 May 2017 08:21 by ADMIN
Created on: 29 Nov 2016 08:08
Category: Scheduler/Reminder
Type: Bug Report
FIX. RadScheduler - SchedulerDailyPrintStyle and SchedulerWeeklyCalendarPrintStyle assign incorrect date to all of the print cell elements which are being created
How to reproduce:

Public Class Form1
    Sub New()


    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(e As EventArgs)


        For i As Integer = 0 To 0
            Dim app As New Appointment(DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60), "Summary" & i, "Description1")
            app.ResourceId = Me.RadScheduler1.Resources(i).Id

            Dim app2 As New Appointment(DateTime.Now.AddHours(3), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60), "Summary" & i, "Description2")
            app2.BackgroundId = 2
            app2.ResourceId = Me.RadScheduler1.Resources(i).Id

            Dim recurringAppointment As New Appointment(DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60), "Recurring" & i, "Recurring Appointment")
            recurringAppointment.BackgroundId = 4
            recurringAppointment.ResourceId = Me.RadScheduler1.Resources(i).Id
            recurringAppointment.RecurrenceRule = New DailyRecurrenceRule(DateTime.Now, 1, 10)


        'AddHandler Me.RadScheduler1.CellPrintElementFormatting, AddressOf RadScheduler1_CellPrintElementFormatting

    End Sub

    Private Sub SetUpScheduler()
        Dim colors As Color() = New Color() {Color.LightBlue, Color.LightGreen, Color.LightYellow, Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Pink, _
            Color.Purple, Color.Peru, Color.PowderBlue}

        'Dim names As String() = New String() {"Alan Smith", "Anne Dodsworth", "Boyan Mastoni", "Richard Duncan", "Maria Schneider"}
        Dim names As String() = New String() {"Rick Astley"}

        For i As Integer = 0 To names.Length - 1
            Dim resource As New Resource()
            resource.Id = New EventId(i)
            resource.Name = names(i)
            resource.Color = colors(i)

        Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveView.ResourcesPerView = 1
        Me.RadScheduler1.GroupType = GroupType.Resource

        Me.RadSchedulerNavigator1.SchedulerNavigatorElement.TimeZonesElementLayout.Visibility = ElementVisibility.Collapsed
        Me.RadSchedulerNavigator1.ShowWeekendCheckBox.Visibility = ElementVisibility.Collapsed
        Me.RadSchedulerNavigator1.SchedulerNavigatorElement.MonthViewButton.Visibility = ElementVisibility.Collapsed
        Me.RadSchedulerNavigator1.SchedulerNavigatorElement.TimelineViewButtonVisible = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub RadButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadButton1.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub PrintScheduler(radScheduler As RadScheduler)
        Dim doc As RadPrintDocument = New RadPrintDocument
        doc.AssociatedObject = radScheduler

        Dim schedulerPrintStyle As Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerPrintStyle = Nothing
        Select Case Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveViewType
            Case SchedulerViewType.Day
                schedulerPrintStyle = New SchedulerDailyPrintStyle()
                'schedulerPrintStyle = New CustomRadSchedulerDailyPrintStyle()
            Case SchedulerViewType.Week, SchedulerViewType.WorkWeek
                schedulerPrintStyle = New SchedulerWeeklyCalendarPrintStyle()
                'schedulerPrintStyle = New CustomSchedulerWeeklyCalendarPrintStyle()
        End Select

        schedulerPrintStyle.DateStartRange = radScheduler.ActiveView.StartDate
        schedulerPrintStyle.DateEndRange = radScheduler.ActiveView.EndDate
        schedulerPrintStyle.TimeStartRange = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)
        schedulerPrintStyle.TimeEndRange = TimeSpan.FromHours(23).Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(59))
        schedulerPrintStyle.AppointmentFont = New Font("Consolas", 8.5)
        schedulerPrintStyle.GroupType = SchedulerPrintGroupType.Resource

        AddHandler schedulerPrintStyle.CellElementFormatting, AddressOf radSchedWork_PrintSchedulerCellElementFormatting

        radScheduler.PrintStyle = schedulerPrintStyle
    End Sub

    Private Sub radSchedWork_PrintSchedulerCellElementFormatting(sender As Object, e As PrintSchedulerCellEventArgs)
        e.CellElement.BackColor = Color.White
        e.CellElement.DrawFill = False

        Dim cell As SchedulerPrintCellElement = TryCast(e.CellElement, SchedulerPrintCellElement)
        If cell IsNot Nothing Then
            Dim msg As String = "PrintSchedulerCellElementFormatting for Date {0}"
            Debug.Print(String.Format(msg, e.CellElement.Date))

            'If cell.DateFormat = "hh:mm" Then
            '    cell.DateFormat = "hh:mm tt"
            'ElseIf cell.DateFormat = "dd MMM" Then
            '    cell.DateFormat = "dd ddd"

            e.CellElement.DrawFill = True
            If e.CellElement.[Date].Hour Mod 2 = 0 Then
                If e.CellElement.[Date].Day Mod 2 = 0 Then
                    e.CellElement.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon
                    e.CellElement.BackColor = Color.LightBlue
                End If

                e.CellElement.BackColor = Color.LightGreen
            End If
            'End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub RadScheduler1_CellFormatting(sender As Object, e As SchedulerCellEventArgs) Handles RadScheduler1.CellFormatting
        'reset all properties for cells that may be changed here
        e.CellElement.BackColor = Color.White
        e.CellElement.DrawFill = False

        If e.CellElement.[Date].Hour Mod 2 = 0 Then
            e.CellElement.DrawFill = True

            If e.CellElement.[Date].Day Mod 2 = 0 Then
                e.CellElement.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon
                e.CellElement.BackColor = Color.LightBlue
            End If

            e.CellElement.BackColor = Color.LightGreen
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

Workaround: Private Sub PrintScheduler(radScheduler As RadScheduler)
    Dim doc As RadPrintDocument = New RadPrintDocument
    doc.AssociatedObject = radScheduler

    Dim schedulerPrintStyle As Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerPrintStyle = Nothing
    Select Case Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveViewType
        Case SchedulerViewType.Day
            'schedulerPrintStyle = New SchedulerDailyPrintStyle()
            schedulerPrintStyle = New CustomRadSchedulerDailyPrintStyle()
        Case SchedulerViewType.Week, SchedulerViewType.WorkWeek
            'schedulerPrintStyle = New SchedulerWeeklyCalendarPrintStyle()
            schedulerPrintStyle = New CustomSchedulerWeeklyCalendarPrintStyle()
    End Select

    schedulerPrintStyle.DateStartRange = radScheduler.ActiveView.StartDate
    schedulerPrintStyle.DateEndRange = radScheduler.ActiveView.EndDate
    schedulerPrintStyle.TimeStartRange = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)
    schedulerPrintStyle.TimeEndRange = TimeSpan.FromHours(23).Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(59))
    schedulerPrintStyle.AppointmentFont = New Font("Consolas", 8.5)
    schedulerPrintStyle.GroupType = SchedulerPrintGroupType.Resource

    AddHandler schedulerPrintStyle.CellElementFormatting, AddressOf radSchedWork_PrintSchedulerCellElementFormatting

    radScheduler.PrintStyle = schedulerPrintStyle
End Sub

Public Class CustomRadSchedulerDailyPrintStyle
    Inherits SchedulerDailyPrintStyle

    Private currentPage As Integer

    Public Overrides Sub DrawPage(graphics As Graphics, drawingArea As Rectangle, pageNumber As Integer)
        Me.currentPage = pageNumber
        MyBase.DrawPage(graphics, drawingArea, pageNumber)

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub DrawCells(appArea As Rectangle, graphics As Graphics)

        Dim currentDate = Me.GetPageDate(Me.currentPage)
        Dim rowCount As Single = Math.Max(1, CInt(Math.Ceiling((TimeEndRange - TimeSpan.FromHours(TimeStartRange.Hours)).TotalHours)))
        Dim rowHeight As Single = CSng(appArea.Height) / rowCount

        For row As Integer = 0 To rowCount - 1
            Dim headerCellRect As New RectangleF(appArea.X, appArea.Y + row * rowHeight, Me.HoursColumnWidth, rowHeight)

            Dim element As New SchedulerPrintCellElement()
            element.DrawBorder = True
            element.Font = Me.DateHeadingFont
            element.[Date] = currentDate.AddHours(CInt(TimeStartRange.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(row)).TotalHours))
            element.DateFormat = "hh:mm"
            element.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.TopRight

            Me.DrawCell(element, graphics, headerCellRect)

            element.DrawText = False

            Dim numberOfSubRows As Integer = 1

            If Me.Scheduler.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Day OrElse Me.Scheduler.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.MultiDay OrElse Me.Scheduler.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Week OrElse Me.Scheduler.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.WorkWeek Then
                numberOfSubRows = 60 / CInt(DirectCast(Me.Scheduler.ActiveView, SchedulerDayViewBase).RangeFactor)
            End If

            For i As Integer = 0 To numberOfSubRows - 1
                Dim rect As New RectangleF(appArea.X + HoursColumnWidth, appArea.Y + row * rowHeight + rowHeight / numberOfSubRows * i, appArea.Width - HoursColumnWidth, rowHeight / numberOfSubRows)

                If i = numberOfSubRows - 1 Then
                    rect.Height += (appArea.Y + (row + 1) * rowHeight) - (rect.Y + rect.Height)
                End If

                Me.DrawCell(element, graphics, rect)
    End Sub

End Class

Public Class CustomSchedulerWeeklyCalendarPrintStyle
    Inherits SchedulerWeeklyCalendarPrintStyle

    Protected Overrides Sub DrawCells(appArea As RectangleF, graphics As Graphics, pageNumber As Integer)
        Dim days As Integer = Me.GetNumberOfDays(pageNumber)
        Dim currentDate As DateTime = Me.GetPageDate(pageNumber)
        If Me.TwoPagesPerWeek AndAlso pageNumber Mod 2 = 0 Then
            'page numbers are 1-based
            currentDate = currentDate.AddDays(Me.GetNumberOfDays(pageNumber - 1))
        End If

        Dim rowCount As Single = Math.Max(1, CInt(Math.Ceiling((TimeEndRange - TimeSpan.FromHours(TimeStartRange.Hours)).TotalHours)))
        Dim rowHeight As Single = CSng(appArea.Height) / rowCount
        Dim columnWidth As Single = (appArea.Width - Me.HoursColumnWidth) / CSng(days)

        For row As Integer = 0 To rowCount - 1
            Dim headerCellRect As New RectangleF(appArea.X, appArea.Y + row * rowHeight, Me.HoursColumnWidth, rowHeight)

            Dim element As New SchedulerPrintCellElement()
            element.DrawBorder = True
            element.Font = Me.DateHeadingFont
            element.[Date] = DateTime.Today.AddHours(CInt(TimeStartRange.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(row)).TotalHours))
            element.[Date] = currentDate.AddHours(CInt(TimeStartRange.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(row)).TotalHours))
            element.DateFormat = "hh:mm"
            element.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.TopRight

            Me.DrawCell(element, graphics, headerCellRect)

            element.DrawText = False

            Dim numberOfSubRows As Integer = 60 / CInt(DirectCast(Me.Scheduler.ActiveView, SchedulerDayViewBase).RangeFactor)

            For i As Integer = 0 To numberOfSubRows - 1
                Dim rect As New RectangleF(appArea.X + HoursColumnWidth, appArea.Y + row * rowHeight + rowHeight / numberOfSubRows * i, appArea.Width - HoursColumnWidth, rowHeight / numberOfSubRows)

                If i = numberOfSubRows - 1 Then
                    rect.Height += (appArea.Y + (row + 1) * rowHeight) - (rect.Y + rect.Height)
                End If

                Me.DrawCell(element, graphics, rect)

            For j As Integer = 0 To days - 1
                element = New SchedulerPrintCellElement()
                element.DrawBorder = True
                element.DrawText = False
                element.[Date] = currentDate.AddDays(j).AddHours(CInt(TimeStartRange.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(row)).TotalHours))
                Dim rect As New RectangleF(appArea.X + HoursColumnWidth + j * columnWidth, appArea.Y + row * rowHeight, columnWidth, rowHeight)

                Me.DrawCell(element, graphics, rect)
    End Sub

End Class