Last Updated: 19 Jun 2015 06:01 by Jesse Dyck
Created on: 27 Nov 2012 01:04
Type: Bug Report
FIX. RadRichTextEditor - RtfFormatProvider does not recognize rtf tag \highlight0 as transparent highlight color.
RtfFormatProvider of RadRichTextBox does not recognize zeros at the end of the tags. This leads to incorrect render of tags. 
For example:
tag - \highlight0 is render as highlight with font color instead with transparent highlight color.
tag - \b0 is render as a bold text.
tag - \i0 is render as italic text.
and etc.
1 comment
Jesse Dyck
Posted on: 27 Nov 2012 09:56
RtfFormatProvider of RadRichTextBox also does not recognize \b0, \i0 (bold, itallic) endings. From the point it loads \b or \i, the rest of the text to the end gets bold/itallic. This should be able to be reproduced using originally provided rtf sample.