Last Updated: 26 Aug 2024 07:25 by Dennis
Created on: 26 Aug 2024 07:25
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report
Product formula is not calculated correctly when a cell content is deleted in Spreadsheet

Bug report

When the formula PRODUCT is used and the content of the cell based on which the formula is calculated is deleted, the result is incorrect.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliK/OKAQaGOv
  2. Delete the content of the A1 cell

Current behavior

The result in B1 is 1, while it should be 0

Expected/desired behavior

When the content of the cell used for calculation is deleted, the product formula should result to 0 (as it is in Excel).


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.3.806
  • Browser: [all ]