Last Updated: 09 Aug 2024 07:57 by ADMIN
Created on: 08 Aug 2024 16:22
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Bug Report
Kendo Treeview template doesn't recognize `item` after changing to CSP templates


We have recently upgraded our Kendo MVC version to 2024.2.514.462. The normal upgrade works fine but I was trying to implement the `CSP template` after removing the `unsafe-eval` from the tag as it was announced in 2023 version.

I was following the example given in CSP template and tried changing the template defined in treeview (also as shown in the documentation):-

      /*template: "<span id='#= #' class='navText'> #= item.text# </span>",*/
      template: ({ items }) => `<span id='kendo.htmlEncode(' class='navText'> kendo.htmlEncode(items.text) </span>`,
      dataSource: hierarchicalLeftNavData,

It is not throwing error but it's not able to recognize the `item` and rendering the template as:-

<span id="kendo.htmlEncode(" class="navText"> kendo.htmlEncode(items.text) </span>

Am I missing anything?

1 comment
Peter Milchev
Posted on: 09 Aug 2024 07:57

Hi Rahul,

Please try to use the "item" property instead of the "items" property as this syntax is getting a property of the parameter object and is not a simple variable, meaning the correct naming is important. 

      /*template: "<span id='#= #' class='navText'> #= item.text# </span>",*/
      template: ({ item }) => `<span id='kendo.htmlEncode(' class='navText'> kendo.htmlEncode(item.text) </span>`,
      dataSource: hierarchicalLeftNavData
<span id="kendo.htmlEncode(" class="navText"> kendo.htmlEncode(item.text) </span>

Peter Milchev
Progress Telerik

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