Last Updated: 03 Jul 2024 07:57 by ADMIN
Created on: 28 Jun 2024 11:46
Category: CircularGauge
Type: Feature Request
Requirement : more parameters for circular gauge

Compare to chart, Circular gauge is really poor as parameters and configuration.

It would be great to have more parameters like ;

* Be able to define to define the stroke (width) of the circular gauge

* Be able to define color for the idle part of the gauge (incredibly non existent) : from 0 to value color of gauge is determined by range, from value to 100 (or maxvalue of gauge) it is white and cannot be changed

* Be able to add kind of Dot on gauge with a custom color to represent a goal or target by setting its value


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1 comment
Posted on: 03 Jul 2024 07:57

Hello Olivier,

Thank you for sharing this desired functionality you want to see in the CircularGauge.

I have converted this thread into a feature request. If it gains popularity it will be considered to be included in the RoadMap.

Progress Telerik

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