Last Updated: 04 Jun 2024 06:02 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q1
Created on: 14 Nov 2023 09:20
Category: DropDownList
Type: Bug Report
Loading indicator and down arrow icon overlaps when loading data in DropDownList

Bug report

When remote data is loaded in the DropDownList and the loading icon appears while loading, the down arrow icon remains visible. Thus, both icons are overlapping.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Dojo
    Note: if the data loads fast and the issue does not occur, open the browser developer tools in order to hit the debugger in the requestEnd event handler

Current behavior

Both - the loading indicator and the down arrow icon appear at the same time:

Expected/desired behavior

The down arrow icon should disappear while the loading indicator is displayed.

The issue is a regression starting with the 2023 R2 (2023.2.606) version


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1010
  • Browser: [all]