Last Updated: 13 Jan 2023 10:01 by Harish
Created on: 13 Jan 2023 10:01
Category: DropDownList
Type: Bug Report
Change event is not fired when selecting an item with the keyboard in DropDownList

Bug report

The change event is not fired when using the keyboard navigation in the DropDownList, if we first click in the filtering input.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliKondova/AnACEzIV
  2. Open the popup and use the up and down arrows to navigate between the items.
  3. Click in the filtering input.
  4. Press enter to select an item

Current behavior

Item is selected, but the 'change' event is not triggered. If we do not focus on the filtering input, the change event will be fired. It will be fired also if the mouse is used. - screencast

Expected/desired behavior

The change event should always be fired when the selection in the DropDownList is changed, even if the user clicks in the filtering input.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.3.1109
  • Browser: [all ]