Last Updated: 24 Aug 2022 14:41 by ADMIN
Created on: 19 Aug 2022 16:58
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
Kendo Grid aggregates and virtualization

Hi everyone, 

i have a kendo Grid with columns virtualization enabled. It works perfectly but comes a weird behaviour when I add aggregate columns.

The problem consists in the constant relocation of aggregates cells values when scrolling horizontally the grid, i.e aggregate cell keeps changing column : the more you scroll, the more it jumps from a column to another.

I provided this jsFiddle sample to help you reproducing the problem.

Keep scrolling horizontally and keep an eye on "Field6"  and "Field8" columns where aggregates have been configured and you will see that the corresponding aggregates values will constantly go on wrong columns.

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1 comment
Angel Petrov
Posted on: 24 Aug 2022 14:41


This seems like something we need to fix. The footer does not create a virtual cell which to occupy the columns space and this is causing the problem. I have already logged this into our system and you can monitor our progress from here. For now as a workaround you can follow the approach demonstrated in this modified jsFiddle.

As a token of gratitude for reporting this to us I have updated your account points.

Angel Petrov
Progress Telerik

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