Our customers would like this feature which we presently have in a similar module in our current project with an ancient desktop UI library. Would be extremely nice if we had this capability built into the spreadsheet controller. The goal is to not force them to be tethered to a spreadsheet application like Excell or Googlesheets... they have the option of NOT having to create their stuff on an outside application.
In addition, would be nice if those charts/graphs made it easy to interact with the data in the cells of the sheets (e.g we could create a related line chart and manipulate the points of the graph and change the cell values. Right now I am working on a D3.js / Kendo spreadsheet contraption that does roughly the same thing. D3.js is hard to create a small code foot print that works with a varrying set of data sheets that maybe attached to the spreadsheet control...so you can't just hard code the sheet in the UI and have it work... the content and the size vary greatly from the large lists of reports we have, and some are custom so there is no way to predict whats coming into the page.