Last Updated: 18 Jan 2021 09:08 by ADMIN
Release 2021.R1
Created on: 23 Dec 2020 11:20
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report
Editor strips elements from formatted table added with the viewHtml tool

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

Dojo example.

  1. Add the following two tables through the viewHtml tool


Both tables are identical, but the first one is formatted.

  1. Open the viewHtml dialog again.

Current behavior

The Editor has stripped the p and span tags from the first table. The issue is related to the presence of
&nbsp; in the span. If it is replaced with text, the elements are not stripped.

Expected/desired behavior

No elements should be stripped from the table.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.3.1118
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]