Every widget that supports control of visibility configuration uses "VISIBLE", but when using MVVM to control HTML objects it is: data-bind = "invisible: someThing" . This IMHO is inconsistent, counterintuitive, and adds complication. If you are controlling the visibility of a mix of Kendo and HTML objects on the same bit of data, you need to duplicate it with a negated version or resort needlessly to templating logic. Maybe I'm missing something but this seems like a no-brainer.
Will Dougherty
Hello Will,
There is no need for further action from your side, I will simply change the status of the feature request to "Declined" in case other members have a similar question.
Feel free to get back to us whenever you have questions.
Progress Telerik
Hi Martin,
You're correct. I was going on out-of-date / erroneous information.
How do I remove this suggestion?
Thanks for straightening me out.
Hello Will,
For the components that have a "visible" configuration, you will find that both data-bind:visible and data-bind:invisible are acceptable approaches in MVVM. Here is a little example for reference. Do you have an example in which data-bind:visible does not work as expected? If so, please provide an example so that we can investigate.
Looking forward to your reply.
Progress Telerik