With Excel when you use a custom number format of #,##0.00 and you enter (10) into the cell it will be displayed as -10. With the Spreadsheet control the same example yields (10). How can we get the same behavior as Excel with the Spreadsheet control?
dojo example: https://dojo.telerik.com/@843335b6-427b-4127-af09-fbe9957bfec6/uGaVAVat
Hi Ron,
Thank you for the feedback. This is currently not supported. I converted this ticket to a feature request so that we can have this in mind for possible feature improvement.
Excel does that by using a very concrete translation that is documented here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/change-the-way-negative-numbers-are-displayed-104b47a6-8ae2-471f-8f73-c4b96e7bb146.
Currently, in Kendo Spreadsheet only a minus sign can be used.
Progress Telerik