Last Updated: 11 Nov 2021 12:00 by ADMIN
Imported User
Created on: 10 Feb 2016 17:46
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Control which fields can be copied to the clipboard for the Grid when using allowCopy
We are running into a situation where our users need to copy values from a row in a Grid. The Grid also uses multiple row selection, and the allowCopy is getting in the way by copying too much data onto the clipboard. 

Would it be possible to set a field list in the options for allowCopy so that we can specify which columns are actually copied?

allowCopy: {
  delimiter: '\t'.
  fields: [
    'column1', 'column2'

We are also running into another situation where we need to use templated fields, and allowCopy seems to be copying the cell text resulting in very ugly clipboard data. It would be nice if we could specify the datasource value to be copied instead of the cell text


allowCopy: {
  delimiter: '\t'.
  fields: [
    { field: 'column1', source: true },
    { field: 'column2' }

In both examples, the field name corresponds to the field name specified for the Grid Column.