Last Updated: 22 Jul 2021 11:02 by ADMIN
Created on: 28 Jan 2016 12:55
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Allow right-click selection on kendo grid
For kendo grids, it would be really useful to be able to have a right-click on the grid to select the row. I know there is a fudge to do this but it would be useful to have different actions for a left and right click, e.g. a context menu on right click instead of left.
Posted on: 28 Jan 2016 13:31
Thanks for getting back to me. That was the fudge I was talking about. I know you can select the row on mouse click but ideally, if you wanted to have an action for left click and an action for a right click, I believe this should be built in.
Telerik Admin
Posted on: 28 Jan 2016 13:28
Thanks for the proposal, Nick.

Presently what you are searching for is achievable by wiring the right-click event of the table row DOM elements of the grid table, and invoking the select method from the API (http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/grid#methods-select).