Last Updated: 11 Nov 2021 12:30 by ADMIN
Created on: 26 Feb 2015 19:01
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Improvements to grid commands
When configuring grid column commands, there is no easy way to control certain aspects of the generated buttons without template and CSS gymnastics.

Here are several specific ideas:

* Add a "title" option so that the underlying button automatically creates a theme-specific tooltip. Currently, tooltips have to be added to the grid element using crazy filters, and they do look like the button tooltips.

* Add support for icon-only buttons through a means other than setting the "text" to "". The CSS for icon-only buttons is slightly different (margins/padding) to ensure the icons are centered and the margins/padding are not too large. By automatically applying a distinct class to represent an icon-only button, the CSS can be more reliably controlled.

* When applying a className value to the "edit" command, that className value is not applied to the "update" and "cancel" buttons that are automatically generated when the edit button is clicked. This might have been a potential work around to the previous item, except that the class is not applied to the generated buttons.
1 comment
Posted on: 26 Feb 2015 19:11
I note that icon-only buttons already have the "k-button-icon" class applied, but command buttons always have "k-button-icontext". If there were a way to set the command "text" property to "none", or some such thing, then the code could apply "k-button-icon" instead of "k-button-icontext". This would allow adjustment of icon-only commands in CSS alone.