Last Updated: 16 Nov 2021 15:43 by ADMIN
Imported User
Created on: 09 Jan 2015 17:04
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Add layer dynamically to map
It is actually a problem that we have on our corporative product. 

We are using a Kendo.Map but the user has the ability of swapping between our corporative version of OSM, the public OSM, Bing and Aerial map.

This means that I have to create a map with five layers at the beginning and set different opacities downloading all the time the tiles for the 5 layers or I have to destroy the map and shift layers like you asked me to do in this post

Could be possible to include a new feature on the maps that allow the developer to change dynamically the layer type, the url template and the subdomains.
without having to destroy the map, set it empty and create it again.

Thanks a lot.
1 comment
Posted on: 14 Apr 2018 02:21
I believe this is standard behaviour for mapping.  You want to load the map first.  Then click on a dataset to display as a layer.   As the dataset may be large, a loading bar may be needed so the user knows the dataset and layer is being generated.  

Currently even a large dataset it looks like the map has frozen (eg. 15 seconds for it to come up)