When hovering over a chart data item (e.g. circle), the jqeury "mouseleave" is activated almost immidiately - the "mouseleave" event is fired before I actually leave the circle. This causes the tooltip to remain, the circle itself is shown as "onHover" (e.g. filled) - but the line is removed, since "mouseleave" is fired and this is where I remove the line. here's an example based on kendoui example: http://dojo.telerik.com/eqaLO Note the "Status" at the bottom of the chart - it is "Hover" when you start the hover and "Left" after leaving the circle (according to the event). I believe a "seriesLeave" event could solve this.
The seriesLeave event has been added to the chart API:
Kind Regards,
Alex Hajigeorgieva
Progress Telerik
I also ran into this recently. I'm trying to synchronize a separate chart that is drawn using D3. I need to know when the user hovers over a series point to adjust the second chart. SeriesHover works fine for this. But I need to reset the second chart to a default state when the user is no longer hovering over a point, and I can't see a way that the Kendo chart makes it easy to detect. Even the