Last Updated: 20 Nov 2014 20:40 by ADMIN
Imported User
Created on: 26 Aug 2014 12:58
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Does kendo tabstrip reorder is supported in 2014 versions? If so how can anyone provide the download url?
Kendo Tabstrip reorder
Imported User
Posted on: 26 Aug 2014 14:47
Hi Kenshin,

If you still think that I need to contact support team. Can you atleast tell me which version has the fix for tabstrip reorder?
Imported User
Posted on: 26 Aug 2014 14:27
With the below code the change event is fired on drag & drop but the dropped tab content is not shown. Can you let me know if I missed something?

$('#' + tabStripId).kendoTabStrip({
                    reorderable: true,
                    animation: false,
                    select: me._workspaceTabSelect

                $("#" + tabStripId + " ul.k-tabstrip-items").kendoSortable({
                    filter: "li.k-item",
                    axis: "x",
                    container: "ul.k-tabstrip-items",
                    hint: function (element) {
                        return $("<div id='hint' class='k-widget k-header k-tabstrip'><ul class='k-tabstrip-items k-reset'><li class='k-item k-state-active k-tab-on-top'>" + element.html() + "</li></ul></div>");
                    start: function (e) {
                        var tabStrip = $('#' + tabStripId).data('kendoTabStrip');
                    change: function (e) {
                        var tabstrip = $('#' + tabStripId).data('kendoTabStrip'),
                            reference = tabstrip.tabGroup.children().eq(e.newIndex);

                        if (e.oldIndex < e.newIndex) {
                            tabstrip.insertAfter(e.item, reference);
                        } else {
                            tabstrip.insertBefore(e.item, reference);
Telerik Admin
Posted on: 26 Aug 2014 14:06
For technical assistance I suggest contact our support team at
Imported User
Posted on: 26 Aug 2014 13:39
Hi Kenshin,

Thank you very much for your quick response. The change event in the above plugin inside kendosortable is not fired after drag and drop. can you please help me how can I achieve it?

Below is my code.

(function ($) { 
var satya = "kish"; 
var reorderableTabStrip = kendo.ui.TabStrip.extend({ 
options: { 
name: 'ReorderableTabStrip' 

init: function(element, options) { 
var that = this;, element, options); 

applyReorderable: function() { 
var that = this; 
$("#mainDiv-mainSpace-workspace-tabstrip ul.k-tabstrip-items").kendoSortable({ 
filter: "li.k-item", 
axis: "x", 
container: "ul.k-tabstrip-items", 
hint: function (element) { 
return $("<div id='hint' class='k-widget k-header k-tabstrip'><ul class='k-tabstrip-items k-reset'><li class='k-item k-state-active k-tab-on-top'>" + element.html() + "</li></ul></div>"); 
start: function (e) { 
change: function (e) { 
var reference = that.tabGroup.children().eq(e.newIndex);

if (e.oldIndex < e.newIndex) { 
that.insertAfter(e.item, reference); 
} else { 
that.insertBefore(e.item, reference); 
Telerik Admin
Posted on: 26 Aug 2014 13:04
Yes, it is supported via the integration with our sortable widget. See this demo for reference:
Imported User
Posted on: 26 Aug 2014 12:59
Sorry for the typo mistake. I mean Does kendo tabstrip reorder is supported in 2014 versions? If so  can anyone provide the download url for the js file?