Initializing tooltips on a container and filter is great, but we need a way to individualize some configuration options, especially positions. Option 1: position = "auto" if the target is close to the top, position is automatically set to bottom if the target is close to the bottom, position is automatically set to top if the target is close to the left, position is automatically set to right if the target is close to the right, position is automatically set to left Option2: position = function(tooltip, target) {} This might be applicable to other properties.
Reopening of this one with the following description:
We're trying to use the Kendo tooltip widget for our entire application and we've ran into a problem regarding the positioning of the tooltip. The main problem we are facing is how to deal with dynamic positioning. Some of the elements in our application are in the corners and this means we have to specify where the tooltip is going to be specified. The major problem is that some of these elements can be dragged to other parts and I would have to specify the position again.
What we would expect is something similar to bootstrap - having a primary position and an fallback position in case the tooltip goes out of the viewport.
position : " bottom | auto "
Progress Telerik
Closing the current request due to a lack of recent activity.
Veselin Tsvetanov
Progress Telerik