Lets say I invoke a view like /view.html?id=123
On the "show" event of "view" I pull the data from the server based on "id", and some loading and layout stuff.
On this "view" I have a button that navigates to another view that is a "picklist", or "settings" or "help". Upon going to this second view and then going back, then the "show" event of "view" is fired again, pulling data from server and re-running all that was inside the show event again.
On some situations it is important to conserve the visual state of the view after coming back to it. For example, if user is filling a form.
The same problem is faced when you want to implement a wizard (step by step) form: pressing back will wipe out all data and reload, loosing previous screen state.
There must be a way to prevent this. I have tried the e.view._back flag of the show(e) event, but it is not always reliable. By having such flag, all the scenarios mentioned can be handled by code, by knowing when it's a fresh-show or a back-show.