Last Updated: 09 May 2014 13:34 by ADMIN
Created on: 07 May 2014 17:04
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Kendo UI DataViz - Polar CHart - Datapoint overlap & Click Event
Better handling of label overlap: On multiple data point geting closer with label is always very hard to get over the datapoint, Also the labels are not adjusting.
Can we have some option to adjust the space between between the DataPoint Marker and label this give bit more space

Click events on data points: 
Now the click event is enabled on both the label & marker of the data point. Can we make a option to disable the event on label which makes better when i have the event only on marker is there a way to do so 
1 comment
Telerik Admin
Posted on: 09 May 2014 13:34
You can distinguish label, plot area and series click by hooking the axisLabel, series and plotArea click events, illustrated on this demo: 

Regarding the data point and label overlaps - consider using the corresponding positioning properties of these element appropriately to avoid overlaps.