It would be nice to have a boolean property with the Editor to detect an enter keypress, and end the current style. We have custom css classes that the user "can't get out of" without going into the html view. Another option would be a tool that would "end formatting" so that further content would be unformatted. This problem can be seen at one of the demos, Go to the end of the content, type something, choose the "highlight" style, hit enter. The style is permanent until you use the arrow key down or click below the current content.
I assume you would benefit from something like the Format Stripper (brush dropdown) available in our AJAX editor: Is that so, or am I missing something from your idea? **Updated**: We are going to provide a stripping formatting option in the Kendo UI editor.
Yes, that would help. At least that would allow them to stop using the current style. What would be optimal is either stop using the style after the enter key is pressed (perhaps a boolean flag on the editor widget to use this behavior) or only apply the style only to the selected text (a boolean flag on the editor widget to use this behavior)