Last Updated: 27 Sep 2021 08:23 by ADMIN
Created on: 26 Jul 2013 08:11
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Load grid aggregates asynchronously
The current implementation of the DataSource only allows for footer aggregates during the fetch of data. When we f.i. use virtual scrolling in a grid for each fetch of data from the server we also have to calculate the aggregates. In many cases that is a time consuming process. F.i. we have a project that has an activitylist containing over 100.000 rows. We only show 25 rows with skip(page) and take(25) but on each roundtrip we calculate the aggregate for all 100.000 rows.

A better solution would be to get the aggregate asynchronous from the data fetch and only fetch the first time and when a change has taken place in one or more fields that have an aggregate result.
1 comment
Angel Petrov
Posted on: 27 Sep 2021 08:23


The datasource and grid are designed in such a manner that if the aggregates are not provided in the datasource the rendering should be postponed thus one will have to initiate another request to get the aggregates. Moreover if one has applied changes to the values on the server the aggregated result will be changed thus it should get extracted again. In order to optimize the performance one can cache the aggregate result and pass it directly. Only if CRUD operations are performed the cached value should get updated. That way the aggregation will not be performed every time.

Angel Petrov
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