Last Updated: 27 Nov 2015 09:03 by Telerik Admin
Created on: 09 Jan 2013 10:30
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
KendoUI Grid and ElasticSearch wrapper
KendoUI Grid is awesome!  Everyone who have used it before knows this.  It's true usefulness is when it is paired with server-side paging/filtering/sorting/etc.  

It's power can further be enhanced if it was paired with ElasticSearch to allow for searching and stuff like that.  I'd love to see something that can interface with Elastic Search from the KendoUI team.  Currently we made it ourselves, but it's a huge pain and very hacky.  
Imported User
Posted on: 27 Nov 2015 09:03

You might want to have a look at this small project:

It is starting to work quite well for the needs of my company and I think it can be interesting for others as well.

Any feedback would be appreciated !
Posted on: 05 Jun 2013 22:30
Nice idea Mark! We're not going to create a custom DataSource for ElasticSearch, but it might be useful to have something like this in the Kendo UI Labs. For instance, we have a custom DataSource for localStorage at If you're interested in getting your custom DS into the Labs, let me know.