Last Updated: 27 Oct 2012 21:54 by OnaBai
Created on: 26 Sep 2012 09:06
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Bug in parseExact
There are some bug on parseExact function where check literal return value is not checked producing as consequence that invalid dates are accepted.
You can see this in
Where I show that a date as String that equals to 2012-09-26 and parsed with format HH:mm is recognized as Jan 01 1900 20:12:00
because the 2012 gets converted into 20 hours and 12 minutes.
As I mentioned above the bug is due to the fact that checkLiteral return value is not tested in parseExact function allowing the execution to continue skipping the ':' of the format string.
If you want me to send you fixed solution I have already implemented it. By the way, watch out that all but one checkLiteral should be checked for false.
Posted on: 27 Oct 2012 21:54
I've been testing Q3 2012 BETA release  beta for the bugs that i've reported and there are good and bad news:
Good news: the bug related to checkLiteral is fixed.
Bad news: you are still not returning the correct value for ISO dates... Please check and look for "KendoUI ISO8601 bug" where you have how to reproduce the problem as well as the solutions
Posted on: 26 Sep 2012 17:14
I cannot verify your fix since even the 30 day trial corresponds to the buggy one. In the meantime and for people using the open source I've posted in my blog: or the solution as well as the fix for ISO8601 date parsing.
Telerik Admin
Posted on: 26 Sep 2012 14:28
This has been fixed with the Q2'12 service pack version (2012.2.913). 

Commercial users can update to this version, while for the others the fix will be available with the Q3'12 release in mid November.