the splash image while loading the web app initially, well, at least for the ios devices.
The feature is necessary in the mobile context. The Cordova environment provides support for it with the Splashscreen plugin - We recommend this approach, as it utilizes the native platform features and displays the screen much faster than what can be achieved within the web view context.
It could be used also for some synchronizations. For example - show splash-screen for at least 2 second, but leave it if not all components are init-ed...
I would like to see the splash screen showing up on Android and Windows phone. In iOS it can be done right now with a single line of code. The challenge for the Kendo Team is to make it work on Android and Windows phone devices with a hack and not using the web-kit like the iOS approach does.
This can be easily done right now for iOS with just one line of code. On the other hand, having a Splash screen for Android and Windows Phone would be very cool.
I know with jquerymobile, you can do something like this in the head and that will show the splash image while loading the web app initially, well, at least for the ios devices. <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="Images/Icon_114px.gif"> Would it be possible to show some splash screen rather than the white page while loading kendo mobile apps too?